Oh, that the salvation of Israel would come out of Zion! When God restores His captive people, Let Jacob rejoice, let Israel be glad.( Psalms 53:6 NASB) 但願以色列的救恩從錫安而出。神救回他被擄的子民那時,雅各要快樂, 以色列要歡喜。(詩53:6 ) Relax and Enjoy Your Weekend!
The Favorite Site is the site I will introduce my favorite. To study Bible is my favorite, it is so exciting, enjoyable and amazing in my life. I will develop it as a site for bible study ground. I will add some bible study tools or some nice related websites. If you have any suggestion to improve this blog reaching its goal, please feel free to let me know. Thank you and enjoy it together. 讀聖經是我生命中最喜愛的事,是一件令人興奮,享受和覺得很驚喜的旅程.這個部落格將被發展成這樣的園地.我會加入許多研經工具並介紹一些不錯的相關網站.如果你有任何能幫助這部落格達成這樣的目標的建議都歡迎提供.謝謝您並請您開始一起探索並享受這奇妙的旅程!